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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"Sphere" By Michael Crichton

Title: Sphere
Author: Michael Crichton
Published Year: 1987
Pages: 498

Slowly but surely I am working my way through Crichton's works. Its even more entertaining since I am not reading them in any order like date published, or alphabetical. Since getting into his books, I find myself wondering if I should have read them in chronological order by the year he published his works. However since I am so far along, I will just continue to read them as I grab them off of my shelf or out of my boxes of books.

"Sphere" is one Crichton book that I saw the movie before I read the book. I didn't even know there was a book until I was browsing through a bookstore one day (I find this one of the best ways to pick books out, you never know what you're going to find until you room aimlessly around a book store) and I spotted "Sphere". Since I have enjoyed other works of Crichton and I remembered the movie, I was instantly intrigued by what this book may hold. And just like other books of his that I have read before this one, I was not disappointed.

Crichton writes a tale of finding an unidentified spaceship on the bottom of the Pacific ocean. Luckily the depth at which the ship is located is shallow enough (I feel funny typing that since it is 1000 feet) for a team of navy divers and some civilian scientists to go down and live in a bunker type set up next to it while they investigate it. Strange things happen during the investigation and the team meets and "alien" entity that speaks to them and tries to communicate with them. The sphere that the title is referring to is an object found within the ship and the scientists try everything they can to get into it. What is inside this sphere is a mystery and what it may unleash can be terrifying.

As with his other books, Crichton takes scientific knowledge, makes is easier to understand while at the same time adding in adventure and some treachery. Many mysteries abound in this work and he keeps the pace going which in turn keeps the reader turning the page. Definitely another must read by Michael Crichton. And I am lucky enough to still have some of his works to read after this one.

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