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Thursday, June 30, 2011

"Ghostly Lights Return" By Annick Hivert-Carthew

Title: Ghostly Lights Return: More Great Lakes Lighthouse Fiends and Phantoms
Author: Annick Hivert-Carthew
Published Year: 1999
Pages: 137 pages
Genre: Mystery/Lighthouses

Lighthouses bring a sense of awe and intrigue to me along with a sense of mystery as well. How many lives have been saved per each one, and what kind of life did the people who kept the lighthouses going live? Most are now automated so there are less lighthouse keepers to watch and make sure the light does not become extinguished. These beacons of hope and warning bring a mystery to some as well.

I picked this selection of stories up thinking it would have to do with the hauntings of lighthouses of the Great Lakes. When I first looked at the map I was astonished at how many are dotted around the Great Lakes and this book is the sequel to another book on the same topic by the author. However when I started reading the book I was having a hard time grasping what I was actually reading. It turns out that these are not actual true haunting stories of the lighthouses that are listed. Instead I was provided with short stories on the lighthouses listed. At the end of each story the author provided some background on the lighthouse the story is based on. Some of the stories are based on historical facts and events that happened at the lighthouse. In other circumstances, the lighthouse was just a background object in the short story and was not directly related to the storyline. Those were the stories that were more of a stretch for me.

So if you are looking for some good bizarre tales of fiction that have lighthouses in them or mentioned in them, then this may just work out for you. If you are looking for true haunting tales then I would advise you to pass this one up.

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