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Friday, July 1, 2011

"Baby Laughs" By Jenny McCarthy

Title: Baby Laughs: The Naked Truth About the First Year of Mommyhood
Author: Jenny McCarthy
Published Year: 2005
Pages: 209 pages

When the title states that the book is on the naked truth of the first year of being a mom, it is very true. Jenny shares all the nitty gritty details of how the first year of life is once you actually give birth to your baby. Just as the pregnancy was, her first year is an up and down roller coaster of emotion, fun and struggles at times. Now I am looking forward to my own first year of mommyhood with a bit of fear and nervousness. At least I read this now and not later, so even if my storyline goes a differently than Jenny's at least I am prepared for all the yucky, not fun stuff that motherhood brings.

To enjoy McCarthy's books, you have to be able to handle anything since she does not hold back. Authors that don't hold back are awesome in my opinion and I like authors who do not sugarcoat what is really going on. McCarthy probably does not even know what sugarcoating is just based off of the two books of hers that I have read. The best part of the book is she keeps it simple and tells it like it is, no chapter was more than four pages long so there is quick information and real life stories from her stand point. It is considered advice from her perspective so what she says could not be the same as every woman out there, but like I mentioned before, better to know too much than to not know anything at all.

Now that I have read her first two books, I will need to now read her next book about life changes. I am looking forward to it, as even though her books have horror stories, they do bring comic relief which makes me smile.

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