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Friday, July 8, 2011

"Feeding Grounds" By Sarah Pinborough

Title: Feeding Ground
Author: Sarah Pinborough
Published Year: 2009
Pages: 310
Description: The spider creatures from Breeding Ground have begun to take over London. A small group of survivors decide to barricade themselves in an unused Underground Station, only to realize—too late—that it’s right next to a storehouse for the spiders’ food.

Breeding Ground is a previous book of Pinborough's that relates to this selection of her work. I thought I would need to read that one first in order to understand this one, but that is not the case. In Breeding Ground Pinborough explains some of how the spiders that are taking over England came to be, without really saying how people get infected with incubating them (if that doesn't make sense, you'll have to read the Breeding Ground to get what I am saying). In this follow up book, the spiders have already taken over most of London and the individual groups in the book are trying to survive and not killed by the spiders who are using the humans for food. We're not talking about your everyday household spider either, we're talking big huge human sized spiders and some smaller ones that haven't fully developed yet.

Not all of the people hiding and running from the spiders are on the same page with each other and there is group turmoil that exists within these pages as well. In other words the humans are not only battling the spider problem, but other groups as well.

Pinborough has a knack for weaving together a strange story and making it as realistic as it can be with giant spiders going after the human population. One fun tidbit about her work is that she is from Great Britain so the language is not American English, but Great Britain English. I think its fun to read other dialects even though sometimes I had to look up what some of the words actually meant and what the slang was referring to. Expanding your vocabulary is not a bad thing.

As with her other books I was not disappointed with this one, but (and this is not a negative but) you do not have to read the book that comes before this one. I, just being the crazy avid reader that I am love my books in order because I don't want to miss anything, and having a bit of background helped this book make more sense.

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