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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"Dead Man's Song" By Jonathan Maberry

Title: Dead Man's Song
Author: Jonathan Maberry
Published Year: 2007
Pages: 508 pages

My first Maberry book! And I do have to tell you that the hype about him is for real, as in his stuff is good. I feel like I am not missing out anymore by not having read any of his works. Of course now, like when I get hooked onto an author all I want to do is read more by him despite the fact that I have a ton of books just waiting for me to devour them. We'll see how that all pans out, I do know eventually I will read his other works. I do own a couple of his others, so I may be reading them in the near future. So now on to this book though.

Dead Man's Song takes place in a small farming community. The community bases its whole economic growth on the yearly harvest and Halloween festivities. This year something horrible is happening during the time when the community is supposed to be raking in the dough just as it did over 30 years prior. People are turning up missing and others are going crazy. The whole thing seems to be a repeat of events that took place 30 years prior when a killing spree around the community went on. Not only are people missing, but bodies are going missing and many locals are wondering whether wild animals, or stranger creatures like werewolves or vampires are responsible for the creepy events going on.

Maberry is able to weave a fantastic tale of human strength and triumph along with elements of the supernatural. Since the book is based on my favorite time of the year he even gets bonus points for that too. Once I actually got into the book and focused into it, I didn't want to put it down. I wanted to keep going and find out what was going to happen next. This doesn't always happen for me as at times I can get distracted very easily. Not with Maberry though. And its not a book that you're just gonna sit in one sitting and finish unless you have the time. There is intricate plot lines in the book that need following. If you miss one, you may be lost later on.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the kind words and the review, Nikki. Dead Man's Song was my second novel, and it includes one of my favorite scenes (Crow and Newton in Dark Hollow/Griswold's Farm).

    I'll be writing more about Pine Deep soon.
